Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Day 53- Clarkston, WA to Pomeroy, WA

As soon as the rain stopped this morning, I headed out. T

Two of the other three cyclists who stayed the night decided to take the day off and guard the home of our warm showers host while he was at work. When I left they looked like they were getting pretty comfortable. The third is staying the night with another warm showers host.

The first 8 miles today was a glorious ride along the shores of the snake River just north of Hells Canyon, the deepest canyon in North America.

Then things changed. I don’t know whether I technically was in Hells Canyon, but it sure felt like it as I slowly ascended a steep 12 mile long Hill that was reminiscent of a mountain pass.

I stopped for a rest about halfway up the canyon wall and a motorist came over to ask questions. He offered that he lived   in this area because he doesn’t like people and there aren’t very many people here. Further discussion revealed that The people he didn’t like where the liberals in Seattle and Portland. Not many liberals around here, I gather.

I stayed the night in tiny Pomeroy, WA. It happened to be national night out, which is a big deal in Pomeroy. Everyone came out for the free hamburgers provided by the fire department. I dropped by to mingle with the locals. 

The firemen served me a burger and I took it over to one of the community picnic tables.. The women sitting across from me were chatting away happily and didn’t acknowledge my presence. I gather that year it was super hot at the national night out celebration and there were bees all over. Much nicer tonight!

 There was a band, but they only played one song (which was more than enough for me and, from what I could tell,everyone else!). The rest of the time the bandleader walked around the stage with his guitar strapped around his neck and his microphone in hand making announcements. Somebody lost their keys, Bingo is starting in the pavilion, hamburgers are being served, kids are Welcome to explore the ambulance, fire truck, the Garfield county sheriffs car and boat that have been brought to town for the occasion, it is good to see so many Pomeroy folks out having fun, etc.  There was so much going on that needed announcing that there just wasn’t any time to play music.

As I left the celebration, I noticed a sign that apparently was placed there by the municipality. I have the distinct sense that not much else of any import has happened in Pomeroy in the past 212 years.

But things in Pomeroy are changing. I understand that a group is in town to town to Set up a factory that will convert the stems from harvested wheat into low grade paper products. There is plenty of raw material in this area to spin into gold.

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