Sunday, August 26, 2018

Day 51 - Kamiah, Idaho to Winchester, Idaho

I am having continental breakfast in The dining area of my inexpensive motel. There are a few sportsmen sitting around the room talking about hunting elk and other big game. I have nothing to add to that conversation.In walks a middle-aged man and woman and they sit down at the table next to me. 

He is not a quiet man. He is an angry man who uses some variant of the F word at least once in almost every sentence. He lives north of Seattle and there are elk on his property all the time. The f’ing Seattle liberals Won’t let him shoot them so he has to come to Idaho to hunt. He Just got married yesterday. I offer congratulations and get almost no acknowledgement . He and his pride are in Idaho to look at hunting properties, outside the reach of those f’ing liberals. His bride says nothing.

I took the incredibly hilly, safer of 2 routes to Lewiston that was recommended by adventure cycling. My cycling friend from Barcelona went on the very flat, more dangerous alternate route through orofino. If I had this to do over again heading westward, I would take my chances with the alternative!
I am now west of the mountain ranges and am back back in gorgeous golden wheatfields.

This is land well outside the scope of the Louisiana purchase, which extended only as far west as the Missouri Rivershed, That being the continental divide. 

When the corps of Discovery arrived in this area exhausted and almost starved from their trip over the better route, They spent two weeks building canoes with the help and expertise of the Nez Perce Indians. The Indians fed the starving young Americans Salmon and roots. The food was so foreign to their systems that they all got terribly sick.

I can’t tonight next to three ladies from Lewiston. They invited me over for dinner and I gladly accepted Since the only restaurant in town was closed for renovation And I am getting tired of eating sardines.

Two of the women were about my age and one was absolutely convinced that as a teenager she had been abducted by Ted Bundy. A guy in a Volkswagen similar to the one he drove picked her up under false pretenses and offered to take her to a party. Instead of taking her to the party he started driving out of town. Realizing she was in serious trouble she reached across and stomped on the brake  pedal, tumbled out of the car and ran into the brush. He ran after her but was unable to find her inThe thick brush and darkness. 

Around that same time the dismembered body of a woman from Lewiston was discovered in the area. The murder was never solved. Ted Bundy did not confess, but is known to have been active in Idaho at the time.

That sure made for a very chilling late night story in a lonely Campground,

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