Tuesday, August 14, 2018

D 42 – Lewistown, MT to Denton, MT

Spent most of the day in Lewistown talking with locals and touring the Central Montana history Museum, which Is a very interesting and well presented museum that has a little bit of everything Montana.

I then made a mad dash for Denton . My only stop was to inspect and photograph an old abandoned house I passed about 15 Miles outside of Denton. Abandon houses fascinate me. 

What changed?

Today I got an answer to that question. A local who is in his 60s and has lived here his whole life told me that A man and his wife lived there. They had no children. One day in the 1930s the man died. Only a few days later his wife died. The house and the land around it were purchased by a rancher and are now part of a very large ranch.

The house was built by the couple around 1915. No Reason to Incur the expense necessary to tear it down now. So it stands vacant, as it has for almost a century, as a legacy to two people For whom it was a dream come true . The house enjoys Magnificent views of mountains on three sides.

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