Sunday, August 12, 2018

Day 40 - Sand Springs, MT to Winnett, MT

It’s true that seldom is heard a discouraging word in these parts. With temperatures topping out at 107° today, there was every reason to feel discouraged, but I heard no words of discouragement. Of course, that was mainly because there was no one to utter discouraging words. In fact, there was absolutely nothing Of any kind between Sand Springs (which consisted of 1 House) and Winnett (pop. 143). 

Actually, that’s not completely true. There was one abandoned schoolhouse that strikes a haunting presence in the middle of a field that is now part of a huge ranch.

The town of Winnett Is the county seat of petroleum Country. Petroleum county is so named because oil was discovered here in 1913. Oil is still being produced here today, but with no more wells to drill, there is very little need for labor.

 Today petroleum county is mainly ranches with a few Farms where wheat and other grains are grown. Innovations in farming and ranching equipment have greatly reduced the need for manual labor.The total population of petroleum county is currently 500.

Took the afternoon off and stayed in a motel Because of the excessive heat and there is nothing whatsoever in the way of humanity for 55 miles after Winnett.The motel did not have a TV, but it did have a cassette recorder with a radio. I turned it on and ironically it was tuned to a station that was airing a program about things that would not be around in 20 years (rear view mirrors, movie theaters, credit cards, etc.).

One take away from Winnett is that football is in serious decline. Went swimming in the town pool and there were two boys there who were about 12 years old. They had no interest in playing football because of the risk of injury. I guess that is the mom effect. The other factor That is hurting football in this area is the kneeling effect.
Went to the one bar in town last night and the owner told me that he no longer shows NFL football games in the fall because he is disgusted with players kneeling during the national anthem. The hunters who come in from out of town don’t like that, but he doesn’t care. Ratings are bound to suffer. 
I spent a delightful evening talking to several of the locals, Including A guy who was incredibly knowledgeable about the Lewis and Clark expedition and one of the local Cowboys. More on that later. 

1 comment:

  1. love the schoolhouse pictures; have always been fascinated by abandoned buildings...
