Sunday, May 21, 2017

(Backup) Day 22-Pickstown, SD to Platte, SD (37/950 miles)

On August 26, 1804, slightly downstream from Yankton, Pvt George Shannon, the youngest member of the Corps of Discovery at 18, was dispatched to recover the Expedition's two pack horses, which had wandered away.  Apparently he did not think he would be gone long because he did not think to bring ammunition for his gun. He recovered the horses and thinking he was downstream from the expedition, he headed north.  In fact, he was upstream from his comrades.

Shannon was finally reunited with the expedition near here on September 11, 1804.  He nearly starved.  While lost he ate only a rabbit he managed to shoot with an ammunition substitute and some grapes.

In a remote area north of Sioux City I missed a turn onto a road that was "unmarked."  Like Shannon, I eventually realized I had gone too far and turned around. It cost me about 10 extra  miles of riding, Unlike Shannon, I did not miss any meals!

I am now in the windswept plains.  This time of year winds are predominantly out of the north or northwest (the direction in which I am riding).   In a couple of months the grasses in the verdant landscape you see in this picture will be turning brown,  it will be much dryer and hotter, and the predominant winds will be out of the south/southeast.  

It is not hard to imagine large herds of bison roaming the grasslands in this part of the country.

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